While focusing on the purchase of investments with long leases, we have been careful to avoid those investments where the pricing is based primarily on lease length and covenant strength, rather than property fundamentals. Attractive opportunities can arise on properties with shorter leases, and if we do pursue such investments we are careful to select properties in good locations with high re-letting potential.

Unexpired Lease Term to Expiry (% of Rent)

Charities Property Fund IPD Quarterly Index
Vacant 3.7 9.90
2019 3.6 7.12
2020 6.0 7.29
2021 3.3 7.32
2022 3.3 7.18
2023 8.4 7.16
2024 5.4 6.61
2025 1.5 6.90
2026 9.8 6.83
2027 6.4 6.20
2028 3.7 6.13
2029 3.0 4.51
2030 2.6 2.79
2031 1.3 2.56
2032 4.8 2.19
2033 2.9 3.01
2034 5.7 1.76
2035 1.5 1.63
2036 2.6 1.83
2037 4.0 1.62
2038 0.6 2.29
2039 4.8 1.41
2040+ 14.8 12.21

For all of the properties purchased, there has been a particular emphasis on tenant or guarantor quality. To help us assess the quality of our tenants, we review the company's Dun & Bradstreet ratings as well as other information including the tenant's most recent report and accounts. We also contact the company's finance director and senior management prior to any acquisition and encourage an ongoing dialogue with all tenants.