Westpoint occupies a prominent position on James Street West in Bath City Centre. The property is situated directly opposite the City of Bath College approximately 1/3 miles from Bath Spa Railway Station. The property comprises a self contained office and retail building over ground and three upper floors totalling approximately 29,075 sq ft. 7,561 sq ft is retail (26%) and 21,514 sq ft is office (74%). The retail element is configured as three well proportioned units on the ground floor. The upper floors provide recently refurbished open plan office accommodation. The property underwent a substantial refurbishment in 2005.

Date Purchased: December 2009
Tenure: Freehold

EIP Partnership LLP
Zerya Evin Limited
Gradwell Communications Ltd       

Total Current Rent: £477,720 per annum
Lease Expiries: 2024-2030 (2026, 2028)